Birthday Party Photo Booth {St. Louis, Mo.}

Curtis was looking for something fun to add to his 30th birthday party and decided to have a photo booth at his party. Curtis was in at least half of the photos from the evening, it is always cool to see the client having so much fun at their own event.

The photo booth was a big hit with all of the party guests. Photo booths are prefect for any kind of party, but are especially fun at birthday celebrations. Contact us today to learn more about our open air photo booth.

Columbia Missouri Photo Booth Rentals with props Columbia Mo Photo Booth Rental props and hats included 30th birthday party ideas photo booths are great for parties Columbia Mo Photo booth Rentals Blue background props on a stick Photo booth you trigger by yourself Columbia MO photo booth Guests enjoying birthday party with props on a stick and Columbia Missouri Photo Booth Rental Pig visor prop in a photo booth at a party in St. Louis The Best Photo Booth in Columbia Mo operated by J. Kelley Photography Hats used as props in a photo booth at a 30th birthday party in Columbia, Missouri Couples take their pictures in a photo booth at a party in St. Louis Guests having fun using a photo booth at a party in mid-missouri Props on a stick are used by party goers in a photo booth at a party in Columbia Missouri Best Photo Booth Rental Columbia Missouri offers full service photo booth packages across the area Guests have fun in an affordable photo booth rental in Columbia, Mo Columbia MO Photo Booth birthday party with picture frames as props

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